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  1. Welcome and apologies

James welcomed everyone.

Present:  James Cootes, Hanna Wagner-Nicholls, Angela Buswell, Sam Pritchard, Nicky Astwood, Maria Henry.

Apologies: Chris Papps, Libby Hakaraia, Ian Carson

  1. Minutes of December Meeting

Minutes taken as correct.  Moved by James and seconded by Sam.  Carried.

Update on APs from December:

AP: Ian to draft media release in terms of what Elevate are doing in terms of what Elevate are doing – done. 

AP: Ian to talk to OPG around co-ordinated approach to SH1 in terms of getting kites into shops/on buildings etc – Maria to follow up with Ian around this. 

AP: James to send Nicky his annotated notes of KBP recommendations for Nicky to update.   James has sent today (21/1/20)

AP: Nicky and James to clarify with Claire regarding the need for FB page/s.  – done. Claire has touched base with retailers and many said they were currently too busy but were interested.

AP: James to touch base with KCDC in terms of ensuring town cleaning done for both Maorilands and Kite Festivals – James - done but will do another reminder.

AP: Maria to liaise with Nicky, Ian, Hanna and Libby to organise a coffee with Claire to unpack elements of the proposal. 

AP: Libby to connect with Claire around local choices of creatives for Identity work.

AP: Nicky to provide Claire with Libby’s number.

AP: James and Ange to meet with ED Team – organised for Thursday 19th Dec. – done. Noted that need to keep ED team in the loop.  Two new members of ED Team, Jamie Bigwood and Janice.

AP: Maria to recirculate ambassador doc – done.

AP: James to follow up with KEDA – Maria to remind James – to do.

AP: Richard from Caltex – Nicky – contact details provided by James to Nicky. Resource consent still with NZTA.   

AP: Ange to contact NZME to let them know EO exists!! – Maria to remind Ange.

  1. Business Preparedness Survey Result’s Presentation/Networking Event

James spoke to the networking event and was pleased with how the event had gone.  Janice from Kāpiti Business Projects had noted her belief that the Identity should be introduced to the businesses exclusively.  The group gave feedback from people they had spoken with after the event.  The group believed it was a good thing to get Ōtaki businesses in one place at the same time.  Electronic transactions for retail sales – can we get a breakdown on this from the ED team?   A brief discussion took place around setting up sub-groups within EO.

AP: remind James to create list of improvements for next networking event.  Create template run list checklist for next event/s. 

AP: Nicky to check with ED team on electronic transactions for retail sales data.

  1. Elevate Ōtaki Identity update – Claire Mance

“You talked, we listened” moments to go on FB page.  Claire spoke to her presentation around the work programme.   Signoff process in place now with follow ups so the group has input into liaison with various stakeholders/business owners.  Claire spoke around the social media work that is ongoing, particularly the Elevate Ōtaki FB page.  Kite Festival and Maorilands signature events for Ōtaki.  Claire has organised an Elevate Ōtaki stall for the Kite Festival – work in progress as to when etc.  Nicky to pass information on to ED team and Claire to share presentation with Nicky to further this communication pathway.

There have been a good number of click throughs to the brochure, website, events and other businesses via the FB page.  TalkCreative have engaged with various businesses and will get photo and stories up on social media.  Creating visibility is key.   Storytelling structure discussion took place.  Need to check in with manawhenua around use of some of the themes.  The group went through some options around themes for people to tell their stories/have a photograph of.  Various names were brought up and Jess took notes of those new name/s/places to consider. Online poll/Google sheet doc to be shared with options. PR and comms ideas were discussed with a press release to be arranged.  Next key steps were discussed. TalkCreative will liaise with Hanna, Ian and James to peer review press release.  Timings and budget were covered off.  Potentially get local businesses on board to partner with EO to promote Ōtaki.   

On a different note, Claire showed the group a video she had made at Faith Farm Fresh in Te Horo and hoped to send this to Seven Sharp for potential uptake.  Noted it would be a great video to put onto KCDC website/FB page. 

AP: Rangiatea Church – James to put Claire in touch with person involved with reconstruction project.

AP: TalkCreative will liaise with Hanna, Ian and James around press release.

AP: Nicky to connect Jamie Bigwood and Ange re content on Kāpiti Coast website.

AP: Maria to share EO meeting dates with Claire.

AP: James to send his landlord list through to Sam for checking.

  1. Finance Report - Nicky

Taken as read.  TalkCreative – four invoices due to be paid. Helene’s business preparedness survey event invoice to pay.  Approved by the group.   

James – checked that the timing of 5pm worked for everyone – group agreed that 5pm was still suitable.

AP: James to create a Survey Monkey to send to group members to find out what’s going well within the group, improvements that could be made, etc. 

James noted that the catering for the business preparedness networking event was at no cost. 

Due to time restraints, some agenda items were moved to the next meeting.

Meeting came to a close at 7.45pm.

Minutes Elevate Ōtaki - 21 January 2020

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